Monday, April 13, 2015

Good morning Primitive ladies and gents!
First off, I am sorry for not posting very much as of late~
Due to GORGEOUS weather, I've been a busy little bee tending gardens and doing some good ol' fashion home improvement! 

I have been also stitching up something new for summer ;)
I'll put some sneak peek pictures of it later on in this post but first..

Looky Looky
 at the beautiful flowers we have for spring! 

Aren't they just lovely??

I was pleased to see some flowers from last year that made it through our Minnesota winter also~
I'll snap some pictures of those later once they come up some more~

I promised a sneak peak of my new summer pattern I've been brewing up, haven't I? 

It's not too much to look at yet but I'll also show you the sketch I did of it!

Well here it is.. ;)

What a good name for needles!!! *Chuckles* 

My needle box from my home town~

I hope to have her finished up soon so I can start my next pattern idea which includes using some of Dixie Samplar's wonderful dyed fabric!! =) 

 Thank you for reading and I hope you check back soon for more updates!


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