Thursday, April 16, 2015

Good morning!

I had the most interesting guests this morning!

The pair of Mallard ducks (Minnie and Sota), came for a visit this morning as I was eating some breakfast!

They landed in our yard then waddled their way down our street~ 

Also..once more I've spent my morning outside preparing our gardens for summer =) 

The progress is that I've made a HUGE mess of the yard.. LOL! 
What will be my garden is close to being finished~

This was an extended part of a concrete patio that we decided to take out and turn into flower beds~
But, as you can see we are having no shortage of sand that was under it LOL! 

This is after I got all the stone and most of the stone out. Then, mixed in some good ol' dirt!
I hope to have this garden finished soon so I can resume work on the veggie garden =) 

Thank you for reading and please checking back soon for more updates!


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