Thursday, April 30, 2015

Good Morning!!

What lovely weather we have this morning!
The sun is shining, there's a cool breeze, and this afternoon should be the perfect temp of 65!

As I was watering the flowers this morning I noticed that our Bleeding Heart and Dutchmans Breeches were blooming! 

~Bleeding Heart~ 

~Dutchmans Breeches~ 

Aren't they gorgeous?!?

I've also been stitching away on my new pattern for summer~
I hope to do some more work on it today and have it finished soon! =) 

Thank you for reading and please check back soon for more updates!


Monday, April 27, 2015

~Lovely weather~

Good morning my friends!
As of late we have been doing all sorts of gardening.
From veggies, to beautiful flower, even to the weeds,
we have been doing it all!

The results are well worth it though =) 

~My elf garden is coming along nicely~

The Veggie garden is also a step closer to being finished!
We planted Onions, Strawberry's, and Lettuce!

~I also found this little cutie coming up by our mail box~

I can't get over how beautiful the Spring Beauty is this year,
so tiny yet so pretty!!

Thank you all for reading and please check back soon for more updates!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Very Blustery weather!

The last few days have been windy,cold,wet,rainy and I even dare say I saw snow falling this morning for a time~
Of course that makes for perfect stitching weather!
But, sadly it makes it hard to finish making our new gardens~

Here is our latest progress:


~My in-progress fairy garden~

~Moms leveled stone garden~

~The Veggie Garden~

Here is a few of our newest lovely flowers!

Thank you for reading! Please check back soon for more updates~

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Good morning!

I had the most interesting guests this morning!

The pair of Mallard ducks (Minnie and Sota), came for a visit this morning as I was eating some breakfast!

They landed in our yard then waddled their way down our street~ 

Also..once more I've spent my morning outside preparing our gardens for summer =) 

The progress is that I've made a HUGE mess of the yard.. LOL! 
What will be my garden is close to being finished~

This was an extended part of a concrete patio that we decided to take out and turn into flower beds~
But, as you can see we are having no shortage of sand that was under it LOL! 

This is after I got all the stone and most of the stone out. Then, mixed in some good ol' dirt!
I hope to have this garden finished soon so I can resume work on the veggie garden =) 

Thank you for reading and please checking back soon for more updates!


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

My old is still new to you!

Good Evening my pretties!
 I just thought I'd let you all know I re-listed all of my patterns I have released! =) 
You can find them all in my Etsy Shop~

I hope you all enjoy and have a lovely rest of your night! 


Monday, April 13, 2015

Good morning Primitive ladies and gents!
First off, I am sorry for not posting very much as of late~
Due to GORGEOUS weather, I've been a busy little bee tending gardens and doing some good ol' fashion home improvement! 

I have been also stitching up something new for summer ;)
I'll put some sneak peek pictures of it later on in this post but first..

Looky Looky
 at the beautiful flowers we have for spring! 

Aren't they just lovely??

I was pleased to see some flowers from last year that made it through our Minnesota winter also~
I'll snap some pictures of those later once they come up some more~

I promised a sneak peak of my new summer pattern I've been brewing up, haven't I? 

It's not too much to look at yet but I'll also show you the sketch I did of it!

Well here it is.. ;)

What a good name for needles!!! *Chuckles* 

My needle box from my home town~

I hope to have her finished up soon so I can start my next pattern idea which includes using some of Dixie Samplar's wonderful dyed fabric!! =) 

 Thank you for reading and I hope you check back soon for more updates!
