Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Good morning!

I hope everyone is having a splendid morning!
I've been cleaning away like a busy little bee.. Can't wait to finish so I can get back to what's really important..(Stitching) LOL!
Last night mom and I went to Pelican Breeze =)
Pelican Breeze is a run off of our lake where the BIG, Beautiful Pelicans are always at.

I snapped a few pictures for you all~

They gracefully let the current drift them down the water~

It's hard to tell their size from here but,
 trust me on how huge they are!

Back to cleaning so I can get right back to stitching! 
I'll soon be releasing the first sneak peeks of a Ol' Hallow's Eve pattern ;) 

Thank you for reading and please check back soon for more updates~


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