Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Babies Babies Babies!!

Tis the season for babies, is it not??
We have many babies running around the gardens here at
 Wickedly Wunderful Stitches!

For the past month we have had a nest of baby bunnies and birds.
I've been watching the baby birds since their parents were birding their nest and when they laid the eggs.

They are starting to hatch!!
~A few weeks later~

Now the little baby birds are about a month old!

Aren't they just precious???

Though.. I do wonder how they all fit in their tiny nest LOL!

Don't they all look rather grumpy in their tiny nest??

~~The Baby Bunnies~~

Don't you just love the little dots on their heads??

We all took turns holding the little darlings before returning them safely back into their nest! ;)

That's all for now!
I'll post more pictures of all the babies once they are a bit older! ;)

Thank you for visiting! Please check back often for more Wickedly Wunderful updates!


Friday, May 20, 2016

~Good Afternoon my pretties~

I have a very special little guest for the weekend!
You might all remember him from something I stitched for my very special boyfriend a few months ago~

Say hello to Saber!


This little guy already is settling in and enjoying sitting in the window of my stitching room~


Of course that was after checking out the house..


"Oh! What's in here?"

"Maybe something good behind here??"


"OH! Look at this handsome fella!"

~Then it was back to lounging about and watching me work~

Hope you all enjoy this post!
I will be back to posting more often now so please check back soon! ;)

-Kirby and Saber
x Wickedly Wunderful Stitches x

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Good day my Pretty-Primmies!

Right now I am in the middle of remodeling a room for a new stitching/painting studio.

So guess what that means??
I will be designing more patterns and branching into some stitching goodies once the studio Is finished! ;)
I will post some sneak-peaks as soon as I get things going! 

But until then...
I'm having a week long sale in my Etsy shop for all you pretties!

30% Off any item in my Etsy shop with the coupon code:


I hope you all will enjoy that! ;)

Click ~Here~ to visit our Etsy shop~


~Wickedly Wunderful Stitches~ 

Monday, October 12, 2015

~Spooktacular Sale~

Today is PERFECT fall day!
The wind is whipping..
Golden leaves are falling...

And it's the second day of my Pre-Halloween Spooktacular sale!

10% Off any item in my Etsy shop with the coupon code of:


To visit my Etsy shop please click:

I hope you all will enjoy this little sale! 

I'll be stitching away the day once I pick which DixieSamplar Hand Dyed Fabric to use!

I love them all so much, such a hard choice!! 

Off to some stitching! ;)


Friday, September 25, 2015

~Our newest pattern~

"Eternal Love"

~Unfortunately, this pattern will only be offered in PDF form~

To purchase this pattern,
please click ~Here~


Monday, September 21, 2015

~Doodle Stitching~

Just about everyone of my patterns are designed by what I like to call, "Doodle Stitching". I sit with whatever color fabric I feel like stitching on at the time, and stitch whatever pops into my mind.. 

Once I stitch a small figure or object,
 I see endless possibilities.

This is some of the latest Doodle Stitching I've done. 

Soon I hope to finish them all....

This little doodle I hope to have finished shortly.
I believe it's name shall be, "Ol' Tyme Lovers"

My little witch, 
as for her I have yet to decide how I will finish her~

Little Saber~
This is one of my dear friends little kitties...
I couldn't help myself but to stitch this little guy after I met him~

This is an older doodle that I had plans for but, I decided to go a different route with this little lady.
You all should be seeing her in next summer's patterns!

Thank you for reading.. 


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A Wickedly Wunderful Freebie pattern~

Just another doodle I thought I'd share with you all...

Hope you enjoy it!
