Monday, July 6, 2015

Stitching away~

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend!

I spent my weekend stitching, doing a little yard work, and spending a little time with my boyfriend and mom~

The three of us settled down in the sunroom in the evening to do a little stitching~
Mom punching away on a Halloween Punch needle pattern that I freshly designed.. (I'll be posting some sneak-peeks soon ;) )

While I stitched away on a little something for halloween~

I was fumbling a bit with my needle and thread and to my surprise my boyfriend reached over and threaded my needle for me.. Isn't he a keeper??? =)


I handed him a needle with yellow thread, some fabric and told him to stitch along the edge...

*Stitch* *Stitch* *Stitch* 


His very first time stitching EVER...
I think he did pretty good!

Better than my first try... LOL!


Very soon you will be seeing some signs of my new Halloween patterns ;)

Most are in the finishing stages so won't be long now!

Thank you for reading and please check back soon~


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