Friday, March 27, 2015

She's finished!! 

After thinking it over I decided the rest of my Queen Anne Style dolls dress and went to work on it!

After a few hours... Ta Da!!!

     She just had to have some earrings and a necklace also!

I am very pleased with how she turned out =) 

The thing that probably took the longest was sewing the vintage fringe on~

All that is left now is this fine lady needs a name.
I'm open to suggestions if anyone has a name they feel would suit her =)

Thank you for reading and please check back soon for more of my patterns and creations~


Thursday, March 26, 2015

Good morning my Primitive friends!!

I wanted to share with you all my latest doll I've been working on~
She is another Queen Anne 1700-1800's Style doll but, this time I decided I wanted her to look a bit "older".. A very antiqued,primmed up, type doll =) 

Her head and arms are made out of paper mache since I haven't really tried my hand at carving like the originals LOL. 
But I felt the paper mache was a close enough look =)

Now she needed an under skirt which I fashioned out of some vintage,silky fabric~

Next, I believed it was time I give her some hair and the next layer to her skirt! =) 

I went for a more "plain", hair style rather then some of the more "wild" hair they had in those days.. LOL

Now all that is left is to finish her dress and add some detail to the skirt~
Check back soon for her finished dress and more updates! =)
Thank you for reading,


Monday, March 23, 2015

This morning, I awoke to the most displeasing of sights...


The snow is back!!
After a long tease of spring, I awoke to 5" of snow.
We were suppose to get rain but, somehow we got this.. 
 I can imagine even all of our furred and feathered friends aren't too pleased with our latest snow! Particularly the feathered little owners of this house who are snowed in now~

Even with tiny bird foot prints throughout it, I wish it would go away!

If anyone has some spring to spare, please bring it our way!
I cannot wait to start work on the new garden and other fun outdoor activities~

Thank you for reading~

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The newest batch of fabric and eggs are finished!

This time we used Tumerick, to dye some BEAUTIFUL golden yellow eggs and fabric~

The eggs are perfect in a little antique wire egg basket!

~Everything into the dying pot!~

The wool and Aida we stuck in the pot came out perfectly! I can't wait to use it for one of my summer patterns~

Thank you for reading and check back soon for more updates!


Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patricks day!!!!

What a wonderful day!..
Not only is it an Irish holiday for us here at

Wickedly Wunderful Stitches,

but it is also our Boston Terrier Baby Neo's 3rd Birthday!! 
For his birthdays past I've always wanted to dye him green but I've been overruled so I won't even suggest it for this year LOL!

I can't wait for the ice cream and peanut butter I get tonight!!

I hope everyone is having a great day strutting their stuff in green and eating all types of little green goodies!! 

Thank you for reading~

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Ah yes.. another beautiful day for dyeing!

It is a balmy 66 degrees here today! So what does that mean??
Oh yes....
Another day to dye some fabric and eggs!!!
Only this time we used Red Cabbage to make blue eggs and Blue/Purple fabric~

~The Blue Eggs pictured in an Antique wire egg basket~

~The finished Fabric~

Though pretty,
I cannot put into words how badly the house stunk after cooking down the cabbage.. LOL!


Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this post and will check back soon for more updates!


Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Freebie Patterns~

 ~Freebie Patterns to stitch~

I hope you enjoy these patterns as I did while stitching them!

~Witching Night~


~Pure Honey~


~Miss Mouse~


Dixie Samplar from Prim Stitchers Society sent me the bestest gift ever!!!!!! 
I asked the Master Stitcher Terri for some help with my PCStitch software and I had an awesome conversation with her as she shared some of her stitching wisdom with me =)! 
She sent me some of her GORGEOUS linen and also some BEAUTIFUL silk thread to try!! =)
This is the best stitching gift I have ever received and I cannot wait to start stitching with my new goodies!! =) I am in love with her Butternut Squash fabric and already have something in mind to stitch on the London Fog for Halloween! This fabric is so soft and creamy!! I just might start stitching something with it tonight!!

To purchase some of her wonderful linen click this link:

Sunday, March 8, 2015

I do believe Spring is here!!
It is a beautiful,balmy, 50 degrees here today!
So what do you do on a nice spring day?


Mom, (Donna), decided she was going to dye some eggs for her wire egg baskets using onion skins.

~The Onion Dye~


I got the idea to stick some Aida and DMC into it LOL!
Then of course she through some wool into it also and OHHH we got some pretty colors!!! 

After we finished dyeing it we hung it out on the lines to dry and I baked off my thread slightly~

Then we came back in to take out the eggs which had finished cooking on the dye~ They were a beautiful brownish red color!

And that is a day well spent! 

Thank you for reading~
