Friday, February 27, 2015

Charting Day!

So, I've spent the day charting some patterns with my new PCStitch. Might I just say, I LOVE PCSTITCH!!
It works great and has so many different features that make charting so much easier!

My little charting side-kick hasn't left my side either.. 
He insists that he has his own chair right next to me lol.

"You could just let me sit on your lap..smh"

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Just a little preview of a new pattern for Easter/Spring~

~A very well dressed Bunny she is indeed~ 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Come on SPRING!!!

The current temp here in southern MN is -2. With the promise of a high of 1. As I was bundling up the dogs to take them out for their morning ritual my mind was looking forward to spring. I am ready to pack away their coats and booties, and once again run out the door in my bare feet. I am even looking forward to spring cleaning!! Now that's really saying something!!

Keep warm everyone - Spring is right around the corner!!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Following the Tracks~

It is a grand total of -4 degrees here this morning! 
So as you can imagine all the little furry and feathered creatures here are just a wee bit on the cold side!
They have left behind some tracks in the snow~

 ~I'm guessing this to be where a bunny sat as it snowed~


I'm also very happy to have finally received my PCStitch Charting software! I'm already working on a new pattern with it, can't wait to see how it looks printed! 

Stay warm and check back soon for updates!
