Thursday, January 29, 2015



So, I was outside with my fur-babies and as the poor things were "sliding", towards their preferred (LOL) spots to use the bathroom.... I noticed just how darn pretty/odd the ice looks this year!!
It seems to be EVERYWHERE this year but hey, as long as it looks nice LOL!! 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Being a busy Little Bee this morning~

To Start off my day I began work on dyeing some fabric for my spring stitches! 

As I was taking the photos to share what I had concocted with my fabric, I thought I would also share what gorgeous,balmy day it is at a grand high or 40 degrees! ;)


           As I was picking out thread for my spring designs I came across my very first cross stitch piece! I never finished it so I decided 4 years later that I perhaps should! =)

I do believe my little doggies are trying to suck up every once of sunshine before it makes it into the house~

Thank you for reading and I hope everyone is having a lovely day~

Friday, January 16, 2015

                                 ~ A taste of Spring! ~ 

           The Flowers are blossoming with the bright colors of Spring!